so there we were, biking around town for all the world to see. father in the lead on that rickety and squeaky schwinn free spirit, daughter in tow with head down and eyes averted, trying not to be recognized by anyone. we were on our way home, biking up a rather large hill just near our house when a red convertible full of girls roared its engine and approached us from behind. to me, these girls were the epitome of cool. they were free from parental restraints, driving (and driving a convertible at that), blond long hair blowing in the wind. in the years of saved by the bell and beverly hills 90210, this was the life i longed for.
panting and sweating, my dad and i continued to make our way up the hill while the car full of girls slowed to a crawl so they were right even with us. i heard them laugh. i heard them squeal and scream, enjoying our humiliation. and then i heard one girl yell at my dad out of delight. she commented on how he had nice legs for an old guy.
my face immediately went beat red. the convertible sped off in a roar of triumph. i glanced up at my dad in shock over what had just happened. still panting and sweating and, he made no acknowledgment of hearing what the girls had said. still, he road the rest of the way home in silence and went quietly into the house when we finally arrived.
looking back on this memory, i don't know for a fact that he heard the comment as i heard it. i also don't know who those girls were or what they were doing that day. i didn't know how to react to such a humiliating experience, and to this day don't know if my dad even remembers our bike ride, or how i felt about it.
i do know how i felt as i watched my then, slightly overweight dad huffing and puffing up a hill on his rattling bicycle get cat called in front of his own daughter. i felt hurt for him, ashamed that i at one point thought those girls in the convertible were cool and to be envied, embarrassed that i had witnessed such an event. i felt suddenly very young and yet very old at the same time, young because i was powerless to do anything but watch and old because i had seen it happen.
i can't say why this memory in particular haunts me so. i think about it now, as and adult, when i ride my own bike down the street. i think about it when i see pre-teen girls out in public with their own dorky dads. i think about it whenever i go back to my childhood home, driving past the place where i witnessed my dads humiliation. maybe it's because it was one of the first times i saw him as more than just my parent, the person in authority over me, the guy who embarrassed me in front of my friends, who never seemed to care what others thought of him. maybe i remember this scene so often because it was the first time i saw my dad as others saw him, a middle-aged man out for a leisurely bike ride with his daughter. i caught a glimpse of his humanity beyond how it relates to me.
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