Monday, November 16, 2009

learning to write

how do i write? what do i write? i say i want to be a writer when i grow up, but how do i do that? the 'when i grow up' part seems to be here and now but i have cut myself off from all my previous schooling, from my intellectual influences, from just about anything that spurs creativity and have slowly allowed my brain to turn to mush.

and so i ask myself... how do i write? my first instinct is to take a class. that's my first and only suggestion when i think about how to learn, just take a class. it's like i've been indoctrinated to believe the only learning worth anything is done inside a classroom and adding to my already large pile of student loans. but what if that's not an option for me at this time? how do i learn to write outside the classroom?

blog? i used to think blogging was the most ridiculous idea and created for angst-y thirteen year old girls that wanted to whine to the public of their oppressive suburban lifestyle. that was until i had a professor that blogged, and blogged intellectually mind you.

i can't promise anything remarkable. i can't even promise regularity seeing as i usually drop whatever hobby/activity/craft i start only days after starting. but i can promise a true and honest attempt.

i want to learn how to write. i've been told time after time that the only way to learn is to just do it, over and over and over. so this is my attempt. i'll attempt to write a little every day, just to get it out there in the world. just to practice the art of discipline in writing and work my writing voice out a little. please bear with me.

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